Tartan Details:
Designer: Sobieski Stewarts, The
Tartan date: 01/01/1842
Available in: Spring Weight, Light Weight, Medium Weight and Heavy Weight
Registration notes: Samples in Scottish Tartans Authority Dalgety Collection. Woven sample in Clans Originaux labelled 'Cranston'. VS described it as including two greens ' . . . that of a leaf of a tender ash tree, and the other the colour of grass.' This graphic very close to the Lochcarron colours. Woven sample. References: The Setts No: 35. W & A K Johnston, 1906. D.C Stewart (The Setts of the Scottish Tartans, 1950) would have the light green and dark green transposed but this does not correspond to the Vestiarium Scoticum, a collection put together between 1829-1842 , the only known source for the tartan. The VS version is shown.
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