Tartan Details:
Designer: Unknown
Tartan date: 01/01/1819
Available in:
Springweight, lightweight, mediumweight heavyweight
Registration notes: First appeared as Wilson's No.64 in 1819 and became 'Breadalbane' in the Cockburn Collection and then Campbell of Breadalbane in Smiths' 1850 Authentic Tartans of the Clans and Families of Scotland. D.C. Stewart's Sindex card says this pattern was supplied to the Smiths by the Marquis of Breadalbane but that it was a spurious trade tartan known as a 'Fancy'. Also appears in the 1880 Clans Originaux. See also STR #2501 MacKay. Wilson's of Bannockburn produced this pattern, the No. 64 or 'Abercrombie' in a variety of colours. See also Graham, MacCallum and Rollo tartans.
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