Cheyne Clan history

The Cheyne Clan supposedly takes its name from the Cheyne or Cheyney family of Buckinghamshire, and the name originally derives from Quesney in France.

Cheyne history

Remains of Inverugie Castle in Aberdeenshire. The original castle was a wooden motte-and-bailey structure built by the Cheyne family in the 1100s

1158-64, Ricardus de Chenai witnessed a gift by Hucredus filius Fergus to the Hospital of St Peter of York.

The Cheynes built Inverugie Castle near Peterhead in the 12th Century.

William de Chesne witnessed a charter of William the Lion around 1200.

In 1230 William le Chen had protection while in the King’s service overseas.

Three of the family, all named Reginald, held important positions in the 13th and 14th centuries.

Prior to 1370 Margaret Chein received a charter of the lands of Strathbrook and half of Caithness from David II (coins from David II's reign pictured top).

Henry le Chen was bishop of Aberdeen for forty-six years (1282-1328), and Freskyn de Chen is recorded as decanus Aberdonensis in 1321.

In 1305 Sir Reginald de Chen petitioned Edward I for two hundred oaks with which to build his manor of Dufhous.
